goldengoose said...
Girlie, even IGM markers? I have had 23 and 41 positive for years and that's why eventually I decided (after getting treated 5 times for 2 weeks) to treat for chronic Lyme.
I spoke with a representative at Igenex and he said that after an active infection has healed those markers should drop (on the iGxSpot test) I was also looking into their PCR test for Lyme.
My suspicion has been for some time though, that my symptoms may just be from depression and anxiety. That since I had Lyme in 4th grade 17 years ago that I will just always register a false positive. With the symptoms being so similar and overlapping, it makes it really difficult tell...
Yes, IgM antibodies can show up with chronic lyme. That's why we can't retest with the WB to find out if we are finished treatment and are in remission.
And, if the antibodies don't show may just mean our immune system didn't mount a response.
So neither positive or negative gives you an answer with the WB
The IGXSpot test that the rep spoke about
is different than the Western Blot.
So, did you have an IGXSpot done or a WB? The bands you mention - 23 and 41 - that doesn't show up on the IGXSpot test.