mpost said...
doxy is more dangerous than mino for sun burns. having said that, i am taking mino for 7+ months and even if i was lucky most of this time was winter/late autumn/early spring, i have had some sun exposure moments, like when driving, and i have to say that even through the window glass i can feel something is unusual about the sun, it makes my skin hurt. was not strong enough to give me burns but certainly something uncommon about me while taking mino and sun hitting the skin was going on ... so stay safe and cover yourself, esp for direct sun during noon and summer time.
Mpost. I was looking for your email. I believe I am now in your camp with regards to Bartonella infection which puts me in a minority view (I always end up there eventually). I would love to pick your brain if you would consider sending me an email. Either way, thanks for having the courage to speak your mind on the subject.