Posted 3/19/2018 2:58 PM (GMT -5)
Here's what I have in my A-Bart file:\ copied from somewhere years ago.
Primary Provoking Action of A-BART:
• This herbal formula is designed to activate the immune system in acute and chronic the Bartonella infections.
• It is equally effective for Bartonella Like Organisms (BLO).
• It can be useful in the management of Borrelia, other co-infections and opportunistic pathogens.
Secondary Provoking Actions of A-BART:
Bartonella infections are thought to be more common that Borrelia infections. We know the tick borne infection come in groups. A-Bart has been engineered to act on the accompanying co-infections and opportunistic infections. It has action against the Borrelia, Babesia and Mycoplasma species. A-BART will have an immune modulating effect for the patient with chronic infections. It will have some immune activation against fungal, viral, and parasite.
• The synergistic herbal combination acts specifically on the nervous system helping with pain, anxiety, sleep, headache and restlessness.
• The formula balances Serotonin and other neurotransmitters helping the patient to deal with depression, insomnia and pain.
• A-Bart is designed to improve the detox pathways. As with all neurotoxins, methylation is slow and lymphatic flow is congested. This formula is designed to enhance the binding and excretion of toxins through the system.
• Auto immunity can be improved as A-Bart works to reduce inflammation, decreases congestion and improves circulation.
• This combination helps with muscle spasm, joint pain, hypertension, hypotension, digestive difficulties, gastritis, ulcers, sore glands, and sore throat, diarrhea and blood sugar difficulties.
• It has a tonifying effect on the GI tract, liver, lung and lymphatic systems.
• The nature of the herbs and their combined anti-bartonella, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, vermafuge, antiviral, anti-spirochete, anti-malarial, and anti-Candida benefits allow the agents to be driven deep into other tissue. This synergistic nature of the herbs allows them to reach and renew tissue that would otherwise not be reached.
• Patients with Bartonella can have compromised digestion and thus inadequate nutrition. This herbal combination provides nutrients in a form that is easily digestible. It is rich in B1, Vit C, Niacin, Iron, Potassium, protein, Beta-sitosterol, calcium, chromium, Cobolt, Gaba, Epsilon-sitoterol, magnesium, magnesium, parigemin, phosphorus, pollinastanol. Selenium, silicon and dietary fiber.
• This formula helps the biosynthesis of cholesterol.
• Helps restore neurotransmitter balance, restoring sleep, memory, concentration and mood.
Gou Teng: Has been used for centuries to lower the excitability of the central nervous system. Chinese medicine has used this herb for hypertension, convulsions, headache, dizziness, and apoplexy. It increases serotonin that can result in multiple mood and cognitive improvements, including OCD, IBS, fibromyalgia depression and anxiety.
Neem: This herb's anti-viral, anti bacterial and anti-fungal activities are well documented. There is evidence for its use in pneumonia, ulcers, gout, diabetes, hypertension skin infection and wound healing. The essential fatty acid content in Neem is high.
Grapefruit Seed: Grapefruit seed is considered therapeutic against hundreds of different bacteria, virus, parasitic and fungal strains. The extract form the seeds are used in the intestinal track to inhibit infection as well as balancing healthy bacteria. It is a strong antioxidant that has high nutrient values including biotin and Vit C. It is helpful with lymphatic drainage and the elimination of toxins.
Indian Sarsaparilla: This herb has its action on circulation, autoimmunity, joint disease, digestive issues, and viral infections. It is potentially most important as a rich nutrient and alkaloid source. This is a rich source of saponin, panillin, cetyl-alcohol, cobolt, pollinstanol selenium, smilagenin, stigmasterol, zinc, Beta and Epsilon-sitosterol to name just a few.
Poke Root: Pokeroot helps to detox the Lymphatic System. It stimulates the production of B and T cells by the immune system. This herb is active as an anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and antibacterial. It is rich in alkaloids that have antihistamine effects. It increases the brains production of GABA.
Licorice: Licorice binds to many types of neurotoxins making it important as a detoxification agent. It is a mucogenic agents that sooth stomach and duodenal ulcers. It has been used in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome and thought to have antiviral effects.
Garlic: has been used as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial and metabolic agent. It has historically been used as an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-spirochete, anti-septic, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant and heavy metal chelator. It supports liver detox and decreases LDL cholesterol. It is a cardiovascular tonic, helps with the biosynthesis of fatty acids phospholipids and acts as an anti-clotting agent.
Clove: This herb acts as a tonic, febrifuge, antiseptic, anti fungal with anti parasitic activity.
Artemisia: This herb has wide recognition as an anti-malarial, anti-fungal, anti-caner, anti-spirochete and enhances natural killer cell response. It also counteracts hyper coagulation.
Usnea: This herb is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial affecting virus, protozoa, Candida, trichamonas, Chlamydia, etc. Also is an analgesic and cyst buster.
Start with 1 to 5 drops twice daily in water.
Increase or decrease drops depending on patient response. Dosages are highly individualized.
Target dosage: 15 drops twice daily.
Challenge dosage: 20 drops or more two times daily as directed by a health care provider.