Posted 3/20/2018 4:22 AM (GMT -5)
Me- after testing positive, but didn't meet cdc critiria, ( 1IgM, and 3 IgG) from LabCorp, my nathropath had me do more labs and send them into MDL. It came back with 7positive bands, and 3 co-infections.
After some research, turns out LabCorp and I think quest doesn't test as accurately, and they leave bands out.
(After having issues for years, and being told to go to my therapist, I had enough. I followed my m-i-l, who has used natropaths in the past, for an otherwise, "untreatable" , by modern medicine- they just kept throwing laxatives at her, so she went to a natropath, and was healed. But she has to stay on her protocol for management.
My natropath was the one who found my Lyme, and co-infections. I just started treatment.
MDL is a lab dedicated to finding pathogens and bacteria, especially tick born infections.
I've also read that getting a positive that was false is very rare.
Best of luck in your treatment!