Hi everyone--haven't been here in quite some time. In my case this is a very good thing. For 3.5 years I have had random/migrating left side pain and other neuro issues.
After seeing many docs I finally found an LLMD who put me on tons of ABX for a year. After the year I didn't feel any better so I switched to the Buhner protocol and quickly started to feel better. After a brief relapse I'd say I'm about
90% better.
Now I only have pain/tingling if I get really stressed/sleep-deprived/angry or do vigorous physical activity involving the limbs like running or drumming.
My whole life I've had a bit of a sassy gut--I'd easily get diarrhea, mostly, especially after a fatty meal. Occasional anal leakage--like a small bit of bright yellow fatty bile-y stuff. But sometimes not. Generally if I ate high fiber and had some yogurt I'd been fine.
In fact when I was on ABX I went paleo and had, surprisingly, the best digestion of my life.
I've been off ABX for about
7 months. At first everything was great, but I slowly became more and more allergic to gluten--now I can't have the stuff for the first time ever. And very recently I can't digest any fats. An egg, an avocado, fish, etc. give me instant diarrhea and headaches and I run to the toilet to release pure yellow fat. I now have to take ox bile/enzymes with every meal. Occasionally everything will be normal for a few days, but this is getting extremely rare now.
I'm here to ask for ideas or advice, as I always got good advice in the past. I figured maybe it could be dysbiosis from the ABX, but the whole time I took them I had a sugar/carb-free diet, took anti-fungals, and supplemented with strong probiotics. Is the inability to digest gluten and fat related to this? Did they damage an already finnicky gallbladder/pancreas/liver/whatever?
Thanks for reading.
Post Edited (dogsblood) : 3/22/2018 8:11:51 PM (GMT-6)