WalkingbyFaith said...
Thanks so much, guys, for the responses and the links. All good info.
I have been taking high doses of Natural Calm (5 tsp) after supper every night for well over 2 years. I started out with 1.5-2 tsp but had to increase the dose as time went on. I use it as a laxative to move my bowels. My bowels won't move without it. Sometimes I take slightly less (not even a measurable amount less) and I'm straining like childbirth to push stool out even if the stool isn't that hard.
It has no calcium in it.
I take epsom salt baths (3 cups) daily. I don't usually have a problem with it, but felt a strong urge to urinate this morning after the bath, like water was going right through me.
Last week, I tried taking d-limonene several times and olive leaf once and woke up feeling headachy and dehydrated. I've had bouts of weakness a lot over the last week.
I recently tried to clean up my diet because my gut just kept feeling worse and worse. I'm trying to avoid gluten, dairy, and sugar, but have probably cheated slightly in one way or another most every day. Still, a big change from what I was eating.
I feel bad pretty most all the time, and I don't think it's all Lyme & co. I think my body is getting sicker, weaker, and more dysfunctional all the time.
I've been in a bad way today, wanting to die again. I've lost almost everything (health, home, job, income and most of my life savings) and still have no solid answers or effective treatment that is getting me any better. I'm 10 months into Buhner's protocols, but I feel like I keep sinking deeper and deeper into whole body dysfunction. Doctors haven't been much help - even the out of pocket Lyme literate ones. I have an appointment Friday, but I've learned not to expect much other than losing another big chunk of what money I have left. I need more testing to get accurate answers and stop guessing at everything, but there's the money issue. Do I spend the rest of my savings on tests that may not be accurate or worth the cost, or spend the rest of my money keeping on taking the same herbs and supplements that haven't fixed anything while I keep sinking deeper?
. I don't mean to sound ungrateful or anything. I'm just worn out from all this and feeling very discouraged and sorry for myself. Hope I didn't ruin your Easter. I keep trying to remind myself of what Easter is all about but the worry and despair keep drowning it out.
First of all, you don't sound ungrateful at all! You just sound worn-down, exhausted, fearful, and unsure. And, guess what: You have every right to feel that way, with all you're enduring. You're under an enormous amount of mental, physical, emotional, and financial stress.
Yet, despite ALL of this, you still take time to respond to other users, answer their questions, and offer guidance, advice, empathy, and hope! That shows tremendous character, love, and compassion! Lyme may have you down, but it's unable to conquer you. I believe in you.
Thank you for the follow-up information on your Magnesium intake and use. You're taking quite a lot. Now that I know it's for moving your bowels, you can, of course, disregard my previous suggestion of using topical Magnesium Oil. That won't help elimination.
Rather than taking high doses of Magnesium to help you eliminate, how about
using high doses of Vitamin C instead?
(NOTE: I'm not a Doctor, Nurse, or Pharmacist, so first clear this with someone who actually knows what they're doing
and who knows your medical history and other supplements/prescriptions you may be taking!)The reason I'm suggesting Vitamin C, rather than Magnesium, is because of the Calcium/Magnesium relationship. If you take large doses of Magnesium, that might negatively affect your Calcium levels. That, in turn, could cause other problems. We can have too little AND too much of a good thing.
I'm referring to supplemental forms - not food sources.
Really, I don't think we can ever manipulate just one thing in the body and have everything else remain constant. If we force one item in the body higher, the body will respond in whatever ways possible to counter the action and return to homeostasis. This includes taking high doses of Magnesium or Vitamin C.
But, given the choice between the two, in order to produce bowel movements, I believe Vitamin C may be preferable. Possibly even beneficial. As for whether or not you continue to take ANY supplemental Magnesium, I would defer to your Doctor, Nurse, and/or Pharmacist.
If it turns-out you try Vitamin C, I would suggest using plain ol' Ascorbic Acid. If you don't mind using the powdered form and mixing with water, it should be fairly cheap. Some Vitamin C supplements have small amounts of Calcium, too. I would suggest NOT using those varieties, due to the amounts of Vitamin C that may be required to achieve the desired outcome.
Finally, however, whether using high doses of Magnesium or Vitamin C, you're simply addressing a symptom and not the underlying dysfunction that's causing your impaired motility. I realize you know this, but I thought it was worth mentioning for any others who may find this post in the future.
Keep us updated on how it goes.
As for the other stuff, stay strong and stay connected!
The Dude
p.s. I'm editing this post to add the following links for your consideration. However, take them with a grain of salt. You're not likely "overdosing" on Magnesium, but the articles demonstrate the various effects that Magnesium can have on the body. Again, cause-and-effect. But, the dose makes the poison.
/www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/magnesium-overdose-whats-the-likelihood/www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-998-MAGNESIUM.aspx/ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Magnesium-HealthProfessional/www.livestrong.com/article/277714-what-are-the-benefits-of-magnesium-gluconate-500-mg/www.merckmanuals.com/home/hormonal-and-metabolic-disorders/electrolyte-balance/hypermagnesemia-high-level-of-magnesium-in-the-bloodPost Edited (The Dude Abides) : 4/2/2018 1:28:58 AM (GMT-6)