I've been feeling worse lately and having pity parties for myself!
I called my husband and vented the other day because my mom wanted to do a 13 mile, multi-day hike with packs
and when I told her that I'd love to do that someday but that my body couldn't handle it right now she told me we could make it work. No, no we can't. Not with me. People, other than my husband, only see my good days and seem to forget that I'm sick.
It's very frustrating.
Right now as I've been feeling worse my house is a disaster, my spirits are low, and the ~only~ thing I have been able to keep up with is my kids' schooling, and that's because when I first got sick we decided that THAT is the number one priority and that if I could do only one thing in a day to focus on that. (And when I was first sick we fell behind even on that.)
I'm a lot better now than I was at first... but I still get SO frustrated and sad sometimes... I just want to be better!!! And I also am scared that this is it now.
Until the past couple of weeks, when I upped my parasite cleanse, I'd been ~feeling~ pretty good but I still couldn't DO much.
I just wear out so quickly.
I want to be able to LIVE again! Hopefully someday...