Posted 5/15/2018 12:13 PM (GMT -5)
Hi gfields,
I'm sorry to hear you're having palpitations and blood pooling.
I also had this in 2017. My knees down to my feet doubled in size. At that time, I was eating quite a bit of chicken and tortilla chips and other meat and some vegetables and packaged processed foods. The chicken caused my throat to have some pain and swallowing problems also.
Gradually, I began eliminating those things. Also, I was adding lots of good fats per meal and maybe too much of a good thing can also be bad in certain situations. So, I've also cut back on good fats, only about 2 tsp to 1 Tbsp and 1/2 an avocado per meal. Cut back to 1 egg at a time and every other day. A glass of water or liquid before a meal and after a meal is also beneficial but not during the meal.
Bottom line for me was going vegetarian almost completely. It began to correct pretty quick.
In February this year when I, I went vegetarian with the exception of eggs.
I know that everyone is different in what their body needs. It might be that even a temporary cut back of those things would allow your body to have flow again. I'm still working on flow but my swelling is now gone in my hands and legs and feet. Another added benefit is energy. I have more energy.