You're going to want to slam this borrelia infection back as hard as possible in the first stages of treatment because this is when borrelia is most vulnerable.
It all depends what stages of Lyme you're in, if you caught it early in time and treated with just doxy after getting bit a few days or weeks ago, you could reach remission. But if you let it go at least a few months and let the spirochetes dig into your body deeper, you're going to have a lot problem just treating with doxycycline. And just treating with a single antbiotic like doxy, can make your borrelia infection much more resistant and push the bacteria deeper.
Personally I'd include something like Flagyl or Tindamax right off the bat for the biofilms, also include doxy. At least 2 or 3 antibiotics is a must in early stages of treatment to erradicate the multiple forms of borrelia, such as round body forms, L forms, biofilms, and what we know is causing this bacteria to become resistant, the persister cells.
From my experience, the best supplement to include with your antibiotics to erradicate biofilms is stevia, placing it underneath the tongue for, hold for 30 seconds then swallow.
You can erradicate 90% of your borrelia infection, yet it could still keep coming back because of the biofilms and persister cells. This is what you're up against. Or it could stay dormant and peak it's head out 6 months later or even 2 years later....
tickbite666 said...
I'ld question your LLMD's credentials. 200mg a day of Doxy is not the recommended dosage. It's the old school IDSA guidelines. You need 400mg per day to be effective, and for much longer and paired with other ABX combos if you continue with symptoms.
Upping the dosage of doxycycline really isn't going to help, adding in other antibiotics to combat the the other forms of borrelia and biofilms is what he needs.
Nellie2929 said...
I'm terrified of antibiotics and am seeing a homeopathic doc on Monday who know lyme well.
I guess my question is should I take the antibiotics or just go the natural route. I'm afraid the antibiotics will u leash other symptoms and I dint want to be on them forever.
Yeah it sucks being on antibiotics, it really does, but you have to realize you've contracted one of the most resistant infections in the world, very similar to something like AIDs which is serious because it's hard to eradicate because of persister cells.
My opinion, if you want to treat homeopathically, use them with your antibiotics to make them more potent. Your chance of remission by just using herbs is slim to none, regardless of what patients and naturopaths like Stephen Buhner are saying. Remember he makes money off his books by priding himself and his remedies. Do they help sure, but do they put you in remission, no...
There's a reason why elements from plants in the rainforest to make them much more potent for treating bacterial infections. A lot of these patients result to herbs because they end up being dropped from their LLMDs, they don't have the money to pay for a LLMDs, it's basically the only legal form of antibacterial treatment they have access too.
You need to look up the latest breakthroughs in treatment on persister cells and biofilms from John Hopkins. There are herbs that do treat persister cells like oregano, just as stevia treats biofilms. But again, a lot of these herbs don't absorb in the bloodstream well nor do they penetrate into joints and tissue where this bacteria hides.