1) I know nothing about
the visual snow, but I do know that Lyme/bartonella can cause many eye issues including dry eyes, blurry vision, fluctuating vision (one day you need glasses; next day you don't), visual hallucinations, floaters, conjuctivitis, eyelid infections (I had 8 or 9), in addition to the ones you mentioned.
2) Sounds like some measure of Bell's Palsy, which has definitely been linked to Lyme. The fact that it came with the visual snow reinforces, IMO, that neither is a random coincidence. Is there a migraine explanation - I can't tell you. I don't know.
3) I'm not sure how you would get a false positive with Igenex. You won't get positive bands unless you're immune system has been exposed to and has created antibodies to those things.
I'm sure if all people were given a Lyme Western blot from Igenex that many healthy people would test positive. Many people can get Lyme disease and only have mild flu-like symptoms and they recover just fine.
Not sure what you are specifically referring to, but what healthy non-symptomatic people are getting Lyme tests from Igenex and why? Makes no sense.
Correct in what you said about
coinfections testing, and yes, a positive would have been helpful.
4) Different for everybody. Avoiding foods that cause inflammation should help reduce overall inflammation in a general sense. Lyme can cause chronic inflammation, which can trigger autoimmune processes such as anti-gliadin antibodies (gluten), food sensitivities, overgrowth of Candida (yeast) in the GI tract, leaky gut, etc. It can be very individual.
Lyme/coinfections cause chronic inflammation, chronic abnormal immune response, and dysfunction in pretty much any organ system in the body. It is a systemic illness.
5) Anxiety could understandably be from having unexplained symptoms. It can also be a symptom itself, which a lot of people don't realize until they start herxing with treatment and develop anxiety or their existing anxiety gets much worse.
You questioned Igenex, but you didn't mention what his Igenex results were other than coinfections were negative. Did he test positive or indeterminate on any bands at all on the Western Blot?
Just so you know, many people can start out with just a couple if symptoms, but over time new ones will emerge. Depending on a person's age, sex, and general health, people often dismiss symptoms as age or occupational related, especially when symptoms emerge in singular fashion. When symptoms come on strong and suddenly or in clusters, it's harder to write it off.
Post Edited (WalkingbyFaith) : 5/21/2018 9:04:19 PM (GMT-6)