If you have mycotoxins and toxic mold in your home then you should talk to a professional mold removal service. If you disturb toxic mold it can cause it to release millions of mycotoxins into the air. This will contaminate your home. This is why you should never try to remove toxic mold yourself. See the Black Mold Removal page for more information about
toxic mold removal.
Some mycotoxins can be almost impossible to remove from homes. Mycotoxins are only about
0.1 micrometers in size. HEPA filtered vacuums do not remove mycotoxins. Activated carbon filters might be able to remove some mycotoxins.
The most stable mycotoxins, such as trichothecene mycotoxins, stay toxic for years. There are not many ways to destroy these mycotoxins. One way is through fire. Another way is bleach with 5% sodium hypochlorite. Ozone might also destroy some mycotoxins.
Some companies also claim to have chemical products which can neutralize mycotoxins, including trichothecene. You may be able to buy these products, or the company might come and remove the mycotoxins for you.
Aflatoxin Mycotoxins
Aflatoxin mycotoxins is a type of mycotoxin produced by toxic molds, such as Aspergillus. These mycotoxins are very toxic and carcinogenic.
The most important aflatoxin mycotoxins are B1, B2, G1, G2 and M1. B1 is the most abundant aflatoxin mycotoxin. It is also the most toxic and carcinogenic. M1 is a mycotoxin that comes from animals after the animals have eaten feed contaminated with aflatoxin mycotoxins. For example, M1 can be in cows milk after cows have eaten aflatoxin mycotoxins.
Aflatoxin mycotoxins mainly affect agriculture. Toxic molds, such as Aspergillus, leave aflatoxin mycotoxins on crops they grow on. These aflatoxin mycotoxins can then end up in food. However, there are processes to remove aflatoxin mycotoxins from crops after harvest. There are also limits set for the maximum amount of aflatoxin mycotoxins in food (20 parts per billion).
Trichothecene Mycotoxins
Trichothecene mycotoxins is a type of mycotoxin produced by toxic molds, such as Fusarium molds and Stachybotrys chartarum (also known as "black mold" or "black toxic mold").
Trichothecene is one of the most toxic types of mycotoxins. Trichothecene mycotoxins also suppress the immune system. See Black Mold Symptoms for information about
the symptoms caused by trichothecene and Stachybotrys.
Some of the trichothecene mycotoxins are deoxynivalenol, nivalenol, vomitoxin, HT-2 and T-2 mycotoxin. T-2 mycotoxins have been used in biological warfare.
Trichothecene mycotoxins have caused problems in houses. This is because toxic molds which produce trichothene mycotoxins (such as Stachybotrys) often grow in homes. Trichothecene mycotoxins are also very resilient and stable, and they are hard to remove from homes.
Trichothecene mycotoxins are also often produced on crops. For example, grains like maize, oats, and wheat.
Mycotoxins Testing
You can test your home for mycotoxins. There are professional mold and mycotoxin companies who will test samples for you. They will then tell you if you have mycotoxins in your home.
You can contact a mycotoxin testing company to find out the procedure for getting mycotoxin tests. Normally, you would first collect samples from your home. You would label each sample with the
location (eg bathroom wall), and the time it was taken. Then you mail these samples to a mycotoxin testing lab.
The people at mold and mycotoxin testing labs are highly trained, and they use sophisticated equipment. They will test for the presence of many different mycotoxins. You can usually expect to get the results of the tests in about
a week.
The general procedures for taking samples are below.
There's also testing which can tell you if you have toxic mold in your house. These tests might not tell you the amount of mycotoxins in your home, though. (Black Toxic Mold Testing and Inspection)
Bulk Testing for Mycotoxins
To bulk test for mycotoxins, you collect a piece of material you think is contaminated (eg a piece of wallpaper). You then seal it in an envelope, or something similar, and label it. Next, you mail it to a mycotoxin testing lab.
You should wear protection, such as gloves and a mask. Also, try not to stir up dust. The sample should be at least 20cm x 20cm (8 inches x 8 inches). The samples should be kept separate. They should be sealed in separate envelopes.
Some common materials you can sample are wallpaper, drywall, cardboard, insulation, fabrics and carpet. You should sample the materials you think are contaminated.
Surface Testing for Mycotoxins
If you cannot remove a piece of a material, then you can swab the surface instead. You can use wet cotton gauze pads to swab contaminated surfaces. The sampled area should be at least 30cm x 30cm (12 inches x 12 inches). You then seal the sample, and send it to a mycotoxin testing lab.
Dust Testing for Mycotoxins
You can take a sample of dust from a contaminated area of your home. You should collect at least a teaspoon of the dust. You then seal the dust and send it to the mycotoxin testing lab.
Some good spots to collect dust are usually the HVAC, air conditioning filters, and ducts. 2: AH (Acetaldehyde) and mold and mycotoxins, A Common and Potent Neurotoxin
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In summary when you feed your yeast colonies with sugar, they produce AH which combines with two key neurotransmitters and form an opiate that makes you feel good. However AH also damages the body. So it is not really good to feed your yeast colonies. Of course there is a solution to the yeast problem. Reality is the yeast are intelligent and cause your addiction to their a form of symbiotic relationship as explained on GAIA .me
The second major route of AH (Acetaldehyde) into the brain is through its production by a yeast called Candida albicans. Candida is known to occur in the intestinal tract of virtually all humans to some degree. When present only in small amounts, being kept in check by a healthy immune system and the so-called friendly flora, such as Acidophilus and Bifidus bacteria, Candida is relatively harmless. Yet due to the modern overuse of antibiotics, birth control pills, and cortisone/prednisone drug therapy, as well as excessive stress (which naturally produces excess cortisone in the body), sugar consumption and malnutrition, millions of Americans now suffer from an excessive growth of Candida in their intestines: the so-called yeast syndrome.
Candida lives by fermenting sugars to produce energy. Unfortunately for the humans who harbor large colonies of Candida in their gut, the waste by-product of this sugar fermentation by Candida is AH. Biochemical research has shown that this AH may combine with red blood cells, proteins, enzymes, and other substances present in the gut or gut lining, and thus travel through the bloodstream to reach more distant parts of the body such as the brain. Research has also shown that AH can then detach from the red blood cells or proteins it traveled with through the bloodstream, thus enabling AH to damage cells far from the site of its intestinal production by Candida.
For those suffering from the yeast syndrome, the ingestion of beer, wine, and liqueurs provides a double-barreled dose of AH. Not only is the alcohol in these beverages turned into AH, but the malt and grain in beer and the sugar in wine and liqueurs provide excellent fuel for Candida to produce the energy it needs to live. More AH is the inevitable by-product of the yeasts sugar fermentation
Acetaldehyde promotes addiction to toxic substances. Perhaps one of the most surprising ways AH may alter normal brain function is due to its tendency to combine in the brain with two key neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin. When AH and dopamine combine, they form a condensation product called salsolinol. When AH combines with serotonin, another product called beta-carboline is formed. Salsolinol and beta-carboline are two of a group of inter-related and interconvertible compounds called tetrahydro-isoquinolines. The various tetrahydroisoquinolines which both animal and human research have shown to occur at high levels in the brains, spinal fluids, and urine of chronic alcoholics are closely related in structure, function, and addictive power to opiates! Successfully detoxifying alcoholics have been shown to excrete especially high levels of these opiate-like chemicals in their urine. Thus, these AH-generated, opiate-like biochemicals may at least partly explain why alcoholics are so addicted to alcohol, cigarette smokers to cigarettes, and Candida-sufferers to sugar, since all three of these conditions promote chronic excessive body AH levels. And, like opiates, these tetrahydroisoquinoline biochemicals would tend to promote lethargy, mental cloudiness and fogginess, depression, apathy, inability to concentrate, etc. These, of course, are symptoms common to both alcoholism and Candidiasis, the two conditions which would tend to generate the highest chronic AH levels in the body. The difficulties discussed above that are caused by chronic AH toxicity should indicate to the reader that AH has a significant ability to compromise brain function. A partial summary of AHs damaging effects on brain function includes the following:
Impaired memory
Decreased ability to concentrate (brain fog)
Slowed reflexes
Lethargy and apathy
Heightened irritability
Decreased mental energy
Increased anxiety and panic reactions
Decreased sensory acuity
Increased tendency to alcohol, sugar, and cigarette addiction
Decreased sex drive
Increased PMS and breast swelling/tenderness in women.
How Nutrition Can Help
Fortunately, applied nutrition science offers some protection against chronic AH toxicity, even when it is not possible to completely avoid the four main offenders that promote AH in our bodies: alcohol, Candida, cigarettes, and heavy auto exhaust. Herbert Sprince, M.D. and his colleagues published many articles in the 1970s detailing the results of their experiments which used various nutrients to protect rats from AH poisoning. Sprince fed a control group of rats an amount of AH sufficient to kill 90% of the control group in 72 hours. The experimental group of rats given the same amount of AH were also given various nutrients, either singly or in combination, that might detoxify the AH. After 72 hours, the death rate for rats given large oral doses of Vitamin C was only 27% (vs 90% in controls), 20% for rats given the sulfur amino acid L-cysteine, 10% for rats receiving Vitamin B1, and an amazing 0% for rats protected by N-acetyl cysteine or lipoic acid. A lower dose combination of C, B1 and either L-Cysteine or N-acetyl cysteine also gave near 0% death rates! But, the nutrient doses Sprince administered were rather gigantic compared to RDA levels of nutrients, being equivalent to multi-gram doses for humans. Fortunately, however, most people are not subjected to such high levels of AH, so lower doses of these nutrients would doubtless provide significant AH-detoxifying power when used on a long-term basis.
John Cleary, M.D. has published papers summarizing many doctors and researchers successful use of niacin (Vitamin B3) and zinc in alcohol and AH detoxification. Since the enzymes that break down alcohol and AH are both B3 and zinc-activated, this provides an obvious rationale for their protective use in chronic alcohol/AH toxicity situations. Finally, because chronic high tissue levels of AH impair the normal process of recycling the active form of B3 (NAD) for continual re-use, it is obvious why normal dietary levels of B3 might be insufficient to provide optimal brain B3 levels in chronic AH toxicity situations.
Cleaning Mold from your possessions: vacuums how effective and on which molds ?
Also got my oxygen tank delivered. I will be testing the medical ozone machine mentioned in the first post, next week. Stay tuned....