Please I know this is long but if you can give me a chance and read through I am so desperate for help.
I've been suffering from a feeling of liquid underneath my skin that constantly feels like its moving for about
a year now. It was originally just in the first layer of my skin and it was puffy and swollen, the skin has become extremely stretchy and saggy in areas. My armpits had a lot of fluid build up inside the skin near them and would create an endless musk no matter now much I cleaned the area. I can quite literally pull an area of my skin and fluid will move to different areas when I do. You can even hear squelching of fluid underneath my skin. Most recently the fluid appears to have moved deeper, now it lies underneath a layer of fat above my muscle. You can now grab the fat on my arms and legs and feel a clear distinct separation between the two that was NEVER there before, the fat is also quite loose on my body, like its no longer connected to the muscle. My skin has recently become extremely itchy since this happened.
My list of symptoms has become quite long: I suffer from fatigue, full body pain, weakness, stretchy/puffy skin, red/painful eyes, headaches, loose fat (not in the overweight way I'm extremely underweight at this point but the fat I have sags and is no longer connected), full constant body pain ALL over, now the pain feels much deeper than before and I'm having quite a bit of chest pain, I had a red streaky rash on my back which looked quite similar to the Bartonella rash which is why we are down the lyme path. Additionally I have had a post nasal drip with yellowy mucus since this all started around July 2017.
In terms of tests and treatments, I have seen many specialists including an infectious disease doctor(wasn't convinced it was an infection), a rheumatologist, a functional medicine doctor, multiple neurologists (all said pain was not neurologically caused), multiple ENTs, and switched around several primary care doctors. In terms of results this is what has been determined:
I had a positive ANA antibody test but not extremely elevated (this could be due to possible GI autoimmune diseases however), all tests (western blot and ELISA) thus far for lyme have been negative but I am trying a different testing agency and testing for Bartonella now (I intend to also be tested for babesiosis and anything else that might line up I'm more than
open to suggestions on that), my WBC is relatively normal it was around 9.5 then down to 5.4 after some antibiotics, other than that all my results came back normal.
My rheumatologists believes that it is some sort of autoimmune arthritis and wants to put me on immunosuppressors however my functional medicine doctor believes that's the last thing we should be doing and could be fatal treatment if I do have a hiding infection.
I've been on a two week round of Doxy, after that I went on Rifampin and azithromycin for a few days but my gut couldn't handle it and I developed some sort of leaky gut issue so I had to stop. However these antibiotics seemed to get rid of a lot of the fluid beneath my skin and in that regard I felt better minus my gut which was leaking everything I ate (still is a bit, but on a special diet for it with some improvement) Being tested for SIBO and Candida soon. My functional medicine doctor believes antibiotics are too much for my system so I'm taking a Bartonella herbal supplement which I started a week ago on a low starting dose and I'll build up to a higher dose. My symptoms are getting worse every day now, I can't bathe on my own, I can't stand for long periods, the pain is so severe I can only lie in bed.
The symptoms deeper in my tissue between my fat and muscles only began after my gut began leaking. I'm beginning to wonder if whatever is wrong with my gut spread into that tissue, such as Candida. This is also when the itching began, the leaky gut symptoms and these fat/muscle symptoms began about
two weeks ago.
I don't know if I'm on the right path and I'm so scared and confused. I don't know if this is lyme or something else but any insight is much appreciated and very needed. I sincerely have given up hope I will make it through this.
To clarify, my doctors just told me my results for the western blot was negative. I didn't receive the specific numbers from it but I'll contact the doctor and get them to post here.
Post Edited (selfdestructingbody) : 6/5/2018 6:04:14 AM (GMT-6)