My list of 10 things that make me happy in no particular order.
1. Baby goats, no idea why but they just make my heart smile.
2. My son Liam-early in the AM he crawls up next to us and just smiles. Best. Thing. Ever.
3. Auctions, Love me some good auctions!
4. My garden-my favorite is my echinacea, still waiting for some blooms
5. Snowboarding, been forEVER since I did this.
6. Butch Walker - he is the man-my favorite musician (Let it Go Where its supposed to)
7. Making paper cranes - my signature, oddly its the only origami I fold. My version of knitting
8. A clean kitchen...who am I kidding this will probably never happen.
9. Sleeping in - a super rarity with my kid but man when it happens GLORIOUS
10. Shenandoah - My heart will always be in Virginia. I dream of moving there sometimes.