Yea the siezure fear with the toungue twitching is a nightmare! Especially when it really flares up!
So I assume I got it decades ago as a child. We had lots of cats and there resident fleas (the two species I have are B Henselea and B Quintana). Yes on the BFS, my old Neuro mentioned that, but like you, the other symptoms did not tie up. I would say your onto something there with that linkage!
I had a rough run over the last few years. Had myocarditis in 2013 (with no cause found) and last year I had an unexplained stroke on my spinal chord (which I assume to be due to an inflammatory process like transverse myelitis). Bartonella has been linked to both of the above as potential causative factors in various case studies so my GP is convinced it was the root cause. The majority of the symptoms progessively worsened after the stroke, and after hearing the usual "its anxiety" or "to much stress" answers I started digging for myself. Thats when I came across Lyme and started pushing for the testing.
My GP has not ruled out lyme based on the testing, his strategy is to try knock out the Bart and post-treatment we can start digging deeper if there is no full remission. Currently im Ciprofloxacin (yep, I know its dangerous) Doc said that if it is the Bart behind the Myocarditis and the stroke, then we need to get it under control fast (Hence the Cipro)
My doc is not ilads trained, but is extremely
open minded (which seems to be a rare trait in the medical world!!) when it comes to infections.
Now interestingly, all of the cognitive symptoms (vertigo, light/sound sensitivity, migraines, memory holes and, the most scary, complete disorientation) have all but dissappeared
The twitching also subsided initially in a big way! But, after a few days it came back with force, and now its more widespread then it was before.