Kct said...
I couldn't sleep last night My only hope is to be approved for LTD. I can't help but feel so ashamed. I was the one who was to take care of my wife and wanted to help my kids financially. I have a cognitive impairment and I'm afraid I'm in the beginnings of dementia. My doc tells me I can get better but I have my doubts. My Mom started with cognitive impairments when she was my age too and passed eventually from dementia.
I'm sorry to hear about
your stress.
I am in the same boat financially. I decided not to stress so much about
it. We have enough funds to keep us afloat for a little over 6 months. We are in the middle of a bankruptcy. Everything feels like it's falling apart. But, get a lawyer for the LTD. And in the meantime, look up programs that are in place to help people in your position. Life sucks sometimes. Just because your mom passed from dementia doesn't mean you will too.
Stay positive. Trust your doctor. Stressing out and not getting sleep will do you no good. I recently dealt with this myself. Take an herbal sleep aid and try meditating. It sounds silly, but it has worked for me tremendously. Especially in your position, you do not want to be getting any less than 7-8 hours of sleep.
This is a hurdle for you right now. You will get through this. Life is full of trials and tribulations. This is yours and mine. Do what you can and let the rest of the pieces fall in place.
Look up different programs set in place, whether through the government or private. Don't be afraid to reach out for help.
We are here to support you.