ashleylynn said...
Thank you for the clarity and backstory. I understand a little better now. Did you ever figure out what exactly was causing the muscle problems. Vitamin/mineral deficiencies due to chronic infection depleting the bodies mineral reserves? Or toxins being stored in the muscles unable to be released? I am about to start a really good detox program along with my lyme herbs.
Ive researched a lot on lyme body pain, some people call it lyme arthritis even though its not. No one seems to know how this happens. Some theories are your immune systems reaction to the lyme debris.
My guess is its several things caused it.
I first worked on leaky gut before ABX trial. I felt better gut wise but pain was the same. Tested mineral levels with the Spectrocell inner cellular level test, which is better than just blood serum. Levels were fine, had too much B6 for a while though. More D made no difference. Took more b12 anyway and it made no difference. Magnessium glycinate will help everyone, but thats just a bandaid.
The year after I was done with ABX muscles stopped getting worse but not much improvement either. At the one year mark I stopped all junk food, dropped all milk, most glutan and this normalized one thyroid inflammation antibody and c4a inflammation went from 55,000 to 1,400 (great). I slowly started to get stronger in my workout routine. Slowly, not night and day difference, but a difference. I'm further investigating food sensitivity testing since this can be a big deal with autoimmune conditions which I also have.
My adrenals and anxiety also slowly improved after ABX - high cortisol breaks down muscle fiber keeping the body in a catabolic state. I had high night and early AM cortisol interfering with sleep for years. This is also bad for muscle fiber. I sleep better now, take supplements, but no Rx sleep meds.
Tight muscles, no matter what the cause, will always trap toxins. This is the sole mechanical reason deep massage makes muscles feels better. Your pushing out old blood and bringing in new with nutrients. This is also how foam rolling , la-cross ball rolling and trigger-point release works. Toxified muscle with no flow is tender, its starved.