Posted 7/19/2018 8:54 AM (GMT -5)
Hello everyone. Wondering if I can get some experienced help with my test results. First, I have been sick since October of last year, in bed at least one week out of the month with fever, aches, lethargy. November same, December sick for 14 days, January same, February and March I slept like the entire two months. I have also had MRI, Nuclear Dye imaging and ultrasound imaging for abdominal pain to the touch- nothing shows up. I had it in May and requested a Lyme test from my Dr. My test came back blot test at top was positive for IGM at 109 and the band 39 IGM was positive. Thing is I was on these GREEK antibiotics, as I had, of course, been sick while in Greece. Klaricid was the antibiotic. SO i tested positive for that band and the blot part, do you think this effected my results and does this mean I have lyme? I know I do deep down, but am trying to get into infectious disease department and wondering if they will admit me based on this?
Granted before this, I never went to the Dr. And I only have an OBGYN which I see, and with him it was once every two years. SO, this is crazy to me how tired I am. My life is effected tremendously. I feel for everyone going through this.