Posted 7/26/2018 11:10 AM (GMT -5)
Hi all,
I've been lurking here for a little while, its been (at times) reassuring to read your collective experiences and feel less alone in what I am going through.
about 3 months ago I started having some twitching in my calves... Primary Care doc said not to worry and I left it at that. Fast forward to may and I am camping with my wife and our 2 kids... Its tick *heaven* in this part of East Tennessee and the little tiny ones were out in force. They seemed to mostly be Lone Star ticks but I wasnt terribly tick savvy at that point and they could have been a different species.
We pulled lots off us but I can't imagine we got them all. Then, about a week later, I chewed one in my front teeth that had apparently gotten onto a stick of gum.
A month later I had flu like symptoms, fever , chills, etc... PC doc said I had a UTI. Took 100mg doxy for 20 days, mild effect. I had cramping in my hands and my muscles felt like they were jelly at times... Everything was weak and I felt terrible... My mood was *bad* as well, and my anxiety went through the roof.
Now I've been on 400mg Doxy for 2 weeks and I feel like I'm getting 'myself' back a little, my weakness has definitely improved... I feel like that part is almost back to my normal level, but I'm still having the twitching and it's scaring me.
I had a clean EMG and NCS and an MRI showed a bulging disc and pinched nerve in my L4/L5 which my neuro said could be the reason my legs keep twitching, however they've moved into other parts of my body now (arms, shoulders, back, stomach... Even my tongue this morning. Definitely worse when I stretch in bed - that flares them up.)
So anyhow, the person on the other end of what you're reading is freaked out. If you can help with any of this, I'd greatly appreciate it.