Girlie said...
When I went to the J Clinic, I had some tests done at Quest Labs - ones that I couldn't get done at home. Everything was in range (CoQ10, Folate, and Manganese) but my Ammonia came back at 54 with the range being < 47. I would do a re-test, but I can't get it done here...(which is odd)
High ammonia can be caused by liver or kidney issues, or bleeding in stomach/intestines.
From what I read ammonia is a neuro-toxin that is released when bacteria die.
The Importance of Eliminating Ammonia, a Potent Lyme Neurotoxin (by Dr. Jernigan) disease, multiple sclerosis, ALS, Parkinson’s, autism and many other chronic illnesses cause ammonia buildup in the body. Ammonia is a very potent neurotoxin that accumulates in the brain and tissues. As part of healing the body from Lyme, it is imperative to remove the ammonia from it, while also supporting the organs and addressing the cause of the ammonia, which is, in the case of Lyme, the Borrelia bacteria. The bacteria produce what’s called a urease enzyme, which enables the conversion of naturally occurring urea into carbon dioxide and ammonia. The action of this bacterial enzyme causes large amounts of ammonia to be produced in the brain, heart and liver.
In very severe and advanced cases of neurological Lyme disease, there is also a deficiency of an enzyme called ornithine transcarbamylase, which is normally produced by the body to break down ammonia into urea for excretion via the urine. This would be considered a urea cycle disorder. I believe that it is the accumulation of Lyme bacteria ammonia combined with this urea cycle disorder that causes some people to have more severe neurological problems compared to other people who do not.
What’s more, dealing with the ammonia accumulation is more important for reversing the damage that Lyme has done to the body than eliminating the bacteria, although eliminating bacteria is important as well. Research shows that the bacteria don’t “eat” the tissues of the body, but that the tissues are destroyed by the toxic bacterial byproducts.
Ammonia is very alkaline, with a pH of 11.6, which is way more alkaline than the neutral pH of 7.4 found in a normal, healthy body. Many doctors have been taught that most sick people have acidic bodies. While this is often true in other types of chronic illnesses, in people with Lyme disease, it is not that simple. People with Lyme may be predominantly acidic (<7 pH), and their urine and saliva may be acidic, but the areas of the body where there is ammonia accumulation from Borrelia are extremely alkaline.
This is why many people with Lyme disease experience a worsening of symptoms when they drink alkaline water, or consume alkaline-promoting fresh fruits and vegetables. It appears that alkalinizing substances can aggravate the already over-alkaline ammonia regions of the body, including the brain, heart and liver. The ammonia must be cleared before the more acidic regions of the body can be addressed.
Because Lyme bacteria seem to thrive in the highly alkaline environment created by ammonia (11.6 pH), attempting to kill the bacteria by drinking highly alkaline water or following alkaline-promoting diets will not work. Once the Lyme bacteria and ammonia issues are adequately treated, then following a diet rich in alkaline foods seems to be best for Lyme patients.
To help the body eliminate ammonia and other toxins, and as part of the Perfect-7 protocol, I recommend using one of three different botanical formulas called Neuro-Antitox™ (more on these later). To find the ingredients for these formulas, I traveled far and wide, to such diverse places as Brazil, and tested some of the best plants from the Amazon, as well as those from Europe and Africa. I also had medicine men in Africa travel deep into the jungle to gather their favorite medicinal plants for me to test. In addition, I visited huge plant specimen repositories and tested large collections of Chinese medicinal herbals, not to mention everything that I could get my hands on from standard botanical and homeopathic arsenals. I did all of this and more to relieve my patients’ suffering and come up with better solutions for them.
As a result of all this testing and research, I only found two botanicals out of 5,000 that were consistently useful for removing ammonia from the brain and the rest of the body. These two botanicals are Silphium laciniatum leaf extract and Hibiscus sabdarifa leaf extract. I created an extract from Silphium called “Siphitrin,” which is the primary ingredient in the Neuro-Antitox formulas. The Hibiscus sabdarifa leaf extract is also available as a standalone remedy that can be taken by itself or at the same time as a Neuro-Antitox formula.
Besides Silphium laciniatum’s function as an amazing anti-neurotoxin, it has successfully been used throughout history to treat various cancers, as well as all forms of asthma and bronchitis. Resonance testing reveals that Silphium may also bind heavy metals and break down isopropyl alcohol and benzene accumulations in the body and thereby add to its phenomenal arsenal of beneficial effects.
The Neuro-Antitox II formulas also contain blue sage extract, which was identified through testing as being the next most effective botanical remedy for removing ammonia.
The particular formula that you choose for detoxing should be based upon where your worst symptoms are. For example, if your worst symptoms are related to your nerves and brain, you’ll want to use Neuro-Antitox II CNS/PNS™ formula. For muscle and joint pain, I recommend Neuro-Antitox II Musculo-Skeletal™, and for cardiac symptoms, I recommend Neuro-Antitox II™ or the Basic Formula™. More information on each of these formulas can be found in the following sections.
As a general recommendation, take 1–3 droppers of the formulas, 2–3 times per day, with or without food. You may have to use more than one formula if you have problems in multiple areas, in which case, 1–2 droppers are recommended from each corresponding formula.
Specific recommended dosages:
• Teens-adults: Take 1–2 droppers, 2–3 times per day in water, with or without food.
• For children 7–12 years of age: 1 dropper, 2 times per day in water
• For children under 6: 10 drops, 2–3 times per day
Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting a child on any herbal formula.
Neuro-Antitox II CNS/PNS is for people who are suffering primarily from problems in the brain, meningesand peripheral nervesasaresult of Lyme toxins and heavy metals. Indications for its use include, but are not limited to: cognitive disturbances, dizziness, vertigo, vision disturbances, neuritis (nerve inflammation), neuralgia (nerve pain), numbness, palsies and headaches.
Neuro-Antitox II Musculo-Skeletal is a formula that works well for people who are suffering primarily from muscle and joint problems as a result of Lyme toxins and heavy metals. Indications for its use include muscle and joint pain and weakness, sensations of burning, tingling, radiating pain, swelling, arthritis and rheumatic conditions in the extremities.
Neuro-Antitox II Cardio is for people who are suffering primarily from heart problems as a result of Lyme toxins and heavy metals. Indications for this product’s use include angina, palpitations, hypertension, arrhythmia, valve problems, shoulder and arm pain, shortness of breath and chronic fatigue.
Neuro-Antitox II Basic
The Basic formula is good for global, or whole-body, elimination of Lyme toxins and heavy metals, and for those who are unsure of which specific Neuro-Antitox II formula to take.
The only diff between the Musculo-Skeletal and CNS/PNS Neuro-Antitox II formulas is the use of Sarco-Bioenergetic Potencies™, which are energetically created homeopathic remedies that may act as agents to direct the Silphium and Pale Spike to the specific tissues where they are needed so that they don’t just circulate around the body randomly. The Basic formula does not contain any Sarco-Bioenergetic Potencies and is therefore good to use when you are not sure which formula you need or when you have more global symptoms.
The combined effect of these key ingredients makes the Neuro-Antitox II formulas a necessary component of any well-rounded treatment plan.
To minimize Herxheimer reactions, I recommend that the Neuro-Antitox II supplement be taken for at least one week prior to beginning any antibiotic or other medical/alternative treatment. Herxheimer reactions are caused by toxins, and the Neuro-Antitox II formulas are designed to mop up, bind up, and break down Lyme-related toxins and eliminate any adverse reactions to the Lyme bacteria die-off.
In people with Lyme disease, ammonia is commonly found in the liver, heart, brain and jaws, but in some cases, such as in those with MS and ALS, it can be found everywhere in the body. For this reason, I suggest that anyone with MS or ALS take L-ornithine/L-aspertate in addition to the NeuroAntitox formulas. The L-ornithine/L-aspertate combination used to be a German prescript
ion drug called Hepamertz, which was used to reduce the ammonia seen in severe liver diseases. The ingredients in this product are now available in combination as an over-the-counter supplement online. However, L-ornithine/L-aspartate does not work as well in the brain as the NeuroAntitox formula, which is why I recommend that people with MS or ALS take both of these products together.
In addition to all of these things, you should drink eight ounces of purified water on an hourly basis to keep metabolic toxins flushed out of your tissues. Some people have difficulty drinking water, so putting fresh lemon juice or Ningxia Red wolfberry juice into cool (but not cold) water may make it easier to consume more water.
Then there is this from TiredofLyme website: