Posted 9/24/2018 3:55 PM (GMT -5)
Sorry to hear about your symptoms, Anitas. If it makes you feel any less alone, I can relate to much of what you describe. I miss my old self, or what I thought I might become without this relentless ailment. It seems there is a compromise and that is super-depressing enough; for people like us, who used to be athletes, with plenty of energy, and being really good at things like being a student, or someone's great mom, or a good son, with our steel-trap memories. I don't take it for granted any day I can breeze through any tasks, which is rare.
I literally have to write each task to do down each day to remember to do it, by the time I'm getting through the list I'm exhausted. If there weren't others experiencing these same bizarre unique frustrations, I would hardly believe it myself. Anyway, your description of depersonalization and brain fog is uncannily similar to what I've experienced. Just wanted you to know that. It seems that there are quite a few of us. I hope you find some relief.