lymedriven said...
After finding factual information on Stevia for against lyme.
I added stevia to my morning tea and pretty much head over bathroom sick because I felt so naseuous.
Fact is....
Stevia has been shown to kill morphological forms for borrellia burgdorferi better than the traditional per the official american medical iiterative
Check out the studies.
This is so strong that i steered away from it - and maybe not do it on an empty stomach...
here's a secret to why stevia may work -- its sweet taste may attract the bugs to feast on it and confuse them to die wow.
I tried liquid Stevia off the shelf and my body had a reaction to it as to what I get when I consume sugar. I am pretty sure that Candida was feeding off of it because I felt the same than when I eat sucrose, fructose and similar sweets.