M. Lowe - i'm so sorry you're going through this. Please remember that you're not alone.
here are some of my suggestions that have helped me:
P.s. they are not in a form of pill or supplement or tincture.
1. Journaling~
2. Affirmaitons from Louise Hay - Also her book Heal Your life has helped me so so much!
3. try surrounding yourself with happy people - - or try and watch funny movies or even cat videos on youtube
alsoo - DANCE! MOVE ! Try and do some walking or just stretches - i know how painful it can be to do any type of exercise myself
but just try and move a little bit every day.
and hey maybe even write positive affirmaitons on post it notes and post them all over your house..
i know these all seem silly, but they have helped me so much, and the way i see it , they cant hurt...
Sending you lots of love !!!!