Posted 9/23/2018 7:55 PM (GMT -5)
If you're that toxic, I would suggest reducing or stopping the abx or other "killing" treatment. Glutathione, while needed for detox, can also cause your body to "dump" more toxins than your liver and kidneys can keep up with.
Burbur and pinella did nothing for me. I could never tell if Alka-Seltzer Gold helped or not. I think it did, but only slightly. Epsom salt baths are the only common detox method I've tried tbat actually helps on a consistent basis. If you qre very toxic, I have heard FIR sauna can be very beneficial, helping to get toxins out through the skin, giving the liver and kidneys a break.
I find eating is very helpful in relieving toxic pain and symptoms for me, especially eating fat, like avocado. Actually, eating most anything makes me feel better when I feel toxic.
If you can use a sauna, that may reduce toxins faster than other methods, especially if you can do it regularly. If mold is in the picture, you absolutely need to avoid moldy environments and contaminated possesions. Avoiding fragrance and other toxic chemicals is also very helpful and needed. The goal is to get more toxins out than what is coming in from the environment.
Gut health is key. If you have constipation, take something like Natural Calm magnesium or powdered Vit C to bowel tolerance. If you have gut dysfunction suggestive of Candida or parasites, you would be better off dealing effectively with those before trying to treat Lyme/co.
I'm just now realizing that my longterm gut dysfunction is most likely of fungal or parasitic origin rather than Lyme/co and is responding to antifungal and antiparasitic herbs when it hasn't responded to anything else. If you can fix the gut first, it will make everything else sooooo much easier. I'm learning the hard way. I skipped fixing the gut first because diet failed, and I never uncovered the exact root cause, so it seemed like mission impossible. So, I went ahead and started Buhner's protocols and have spent over a year on tiny doses, because that's all I could tolerate due to so many toxins. The gut pathogens, like Candida and parasites, create their own toxic by products in the body. As long as they are there and active, it's like having a built-in toxin producing factory in your gut. IMO, detox methods are no match and cannot keep up with internally produced toxins in addition to all the external environmental ones.