paisan said...
i was bit by a tick watched the rash grow huge over 3 weeks before i realized a had a real on standard doxy for 3 weeks. coming off i felt bad, weird symptoms very nervy and a host of others that appeared just as the abx should have cleared my system. i went back on dox at double the dose for few weeks , always feeling great on the dox.
i tried to stop again but symptoms returned. so back on dox with a strategy to fight "persisters" with other methods while i hold down the infection with dox. but after a week the dox stopped working and was getting symptoms even on 400 a day.
from what i read lyme does not develop resistance but instead goes into slow growing persister mode in the presence of abx or other unfriendly conditions.
if this is the case why did the dox stop holding symptoms at bay?
Welcome to our community, paisan.
The standard dose for Lyme is 200 mg twice daily. And it should be taken until symptom free for 4 weeks with a minimum of 6 weeks.
If you were taking half that dose...that could explain why it didn't work. Also, you stopped too soon...unfortunately.
In early cases, (acute infections like yours (3 weeks) - doxy is often enough....but non lyme literate Docs generally treat with half dosage and not long enough.
i urge you to find a LLMD asap and get back on treatment.