astroman said...
I find it amazing people with lyme can use a smart phone for any forum type thing. Wow thats impressive!
A computer is less strenuous, easier on the body ergonomically and easier on brain/eye sight (see more less scrolling/moving). Just way less effort in every way and less time. Laptop is second.
My hands and fingers had minimal mobility, shook/trembled, neck always hurt, shoulders all crunched up using a phone. I could do it now, but only minimally.
I use my iPhone about
1/4 of my time on the forum. It's better now with the new format...
I am aware of my I don't scrunch my shoulders...try to keep the phone high enough up so I'm not hurting my neck...etc. My hands only had tremors very early on.
But, what I did like about
the old format - is the definition/color. This new one is pale.
I thought yesterday that there was something identifying if I hadn't seen a new thread....not seeing that today. Maybe I just dreamed it.