If it werent for the UV light I would have never seen a fiber. I never did get to the point of visible to the naked eye colored fibers, but using a UV flashlight to scan my body I was able to spot small fibers protruding from different areas of the body because they glow.
Although Ginger Savely may have had good intentions she qualified this condition by the presence of these visible fibers yet this affliction will mimic many Lyme symptoms as well as adding some of its own before you ever see visible fibers.
There is a very strange environmental component that seems to be associated with this condition that I have been wanting to share but have been a bit reluctant because I dont quite understand and it gets quite strange but I feel it is connected to this condition.
We treated our whole house for mold and Concrobium Mold Control got rid of all of the mold except for this special one which I am no longer convinced is a true mold.
It behaves like a mildew and creates an off white dust as well as tiny black spores from time to time which will land around the home. It is most noticeable on the tops of vitamin bottles in the supplement graveyard which dont get much use anymore.
If left undisturbed this mold like thing will accumulate and form tiny dust like hairs which will amass and form a cotton like thread. Concrobium Mold Control which encapsulates every know mold spore has zero effect on this. Other people I have spoken to with this condition are aware of something similar which grows in their home.
Ive noticed it is most prevalent in the rooms which I spend the most time in and absent from the rooms which I spend almost no time in. But I wonder how and why would it care?
I have found that ethanol will slow the growth of this 'mold' but it does not kill it. It works best in a 70% solution. We have used everything that one would think to use on mold and hand scrubbed all of the PVC ceiling tile just to watch it eventually return. If I wipe the ceiling it will come off like cotton.
Oddly enough the growth and the dust that this produces does not glow in UV light. It does however collect in the HEPA filtered air purifiers which I have running non stop.
If you suffer from inflamation I highly recommend HEPA air purifiers along with building your magnesium tolerance. I still take a large amount of magnesium daily.
The pre filter portion of the HEPA unit is never clear when we clean them each month. It is always coated with a hairy dust. It looks like a sweater every time we clean it. We have been running the high powered HEPA air purifiers non stop since March.
This 'mold' does not seem to cause many health problems by itself. Who or whatever created this stuff had every intention of it doing its thing in a stealth like way. When I was suffering from the many symptoms of Morgellons it was in the presence of this 'mold' as well as a large amount of other types of known mold spores. Once we cleared the other mold spores out of the home the major symptoms abated.
I dont know if there is any connection to the global 'spider web' problem as described by Cliff Carnicom but I suspect there is. I dont really want to jump to any conclusions as I do not wish to skew my thought with a bias of any kind but I do wish to share my observations in hopes that you will share yours with me directly.
On certain days out doors we have observed a large amount of this long linear web like material abound on the lawn and on the chain link fence. I have also pulled similar material out of the original smaller HEPA unit filters but only on the first time we cleaned it. The long stringy web like material never appeared indoors again but I remember it well.
We have plenty of spiders here so I have learned how to tell the difference between this fungal like material and actual spider webs. The fungal like material doesnt appear to need a food source and grows linear and can branch out much like a yeast. I suspect it is responsible for many of our health conditions but am not smart enough to prove it. I half jokingly refer to it as the 'space alien fungus' as I do not know its origin but am aware of its worldwide presence.
Since I have been away and trying to figure everything out, I also regret to inform that I have discovered that Kratom can cause some health complications as well. For me the rewards still outweigh the risks so I will not make them public and give the authorities more fuel with which to attempt to ban it.
But if you use Kratom and would like to know or have observations of your own related to the Morgellons condition but are reluctant to discuss it in an
open forum for fear of ridicule please know that I am absolutely fascinated by this topic and continue to collect as much information as I can about
the subject.
I encourage you to please share your observations with me by email.
Post Edited (ChickenArise) : 10/29/2018 11:50:26 PM (GMT-6)