Aw, thanks so much @Girlie!
Hey @xpeetzax, I took Rifampin and Clarithro but that's because I went slower with it. Rifabutin was in store for me if I did not herx badly enough with the Rifampin, but Rifampin turned out to be enough for me I think. Rifabutin is also very effective against Bart I believe.
Hey WalkingbyFaith! No, no chemical sensitivities to fragrance/ other stuff when I got Bart. My dental issues have been ever since I got a new set of crowns that were really ill fitting. They're not toxic or anything, it's just that the fit has been wrong from the start. I recently saw a TMJ specialist for the first time and showed him my imaging reports. He indicated it has everything to do with my uneven crowns (it's clearly uneven, even on imaging). At the moment I'm wearing a splint to prevent me from clenching and once my muscles come out of spasm hopefully then I'll start healing and eventually the crowns will be altered - but it's caused one disc to be displaced in my right jaw, and now I think it's happened to my left jaw too
(. At the moment I'm really bummed out by this - considering I had finally come out of Bart! argh. But I am taking a Celergen supplement which is supposed to really help heal joints and discs. But I've never had tmj ever, till these awful crowns, so I really hope I can be free of this and heal from the damage it's caused.
Many thanks to everyone for the good wishes! Luck and love to all xx