Posted 12/6/2018 8:24 PM (GMT -5)
Hi all, A few weeks ago I posted on the "Good Reactions to Gou Teng" thread about my possible awful anxiety reaction to this herb. It is difficult to pin point because I was also going through a rough spot (taking sick son to a new LLMD cross country) and those moons that everyone commented on, and had also been doing neuro-therapy. However, I have almost never experienced anxiety so extreme. So I posted to see if others had similar experience with GouTeng and several constructive comments ensued. The ideas about immune status high TH1 (?) Mast Cell and others came up. So I am posting anew to see if we can get a dedicated thread on the neuro-psyche symptoms on this and other herbs in the Buhner books. I d/c'd everything except all the calming supplements and went back on an SSRI. Mostly resolved, but I do want to go back to the protocol, starting back with knotweed. Starting to think I have Bart, which as one of the best LLMD's says should be looked at as small vessel disease.