dktwo said...
Hey all! I’m new here and I just got my western blot for Lyme blood test results back and have no idea what they mean! My doctor never called me back! So I was hoping for some guidance here! My test results show that I am IgM P39 Ab. &
IgG P23 Ab. Positive. Any insight?
Hi dktwo - welcome!
Both bands 39 and 23 are lyme ‘specific’ - meaning that only Lyme will cause those bands to show.
I assume you have symptoms that can be attributed to Lyme disease and it prompted you to test?
Those test results will back up a clinical diagnosis.
Do you need help finding a lyme Literate dr?
Re: testing for the coinfections - you might want to wait and see what the LLMD suggests as some don’t ask for more testing - and those that do may have specific tests they want you to have.
We encourage all new members to look through the information in the thread: “New to Lyme?... Start Here!”