Posted 2/3/2019 3:57 PM (GMT -5)
I went and did the colonics so I thought I'd give an update in case anyone is interested in getting them.
First, a warning, they are not comfortable. Something is stuck in your butt for 45min straight and your gut fills with water which also can hurt if too much goes in. It is not relaxing which was what I expected from reading on the internet.
Second, you will probably release about 1-2lbs of crap on average. I let go of a little over 1 but I only did 2 of the 3 colonics recommended which leads me to
Third, you will detox a lot. You might detox too much and too quickly which I think is what happened to me. I got horrible insomnia and it still hasn't resolved even though my last one was two days ago. This is why I had to cancel the third one.
If I were to suggest it, I would say do one to start, and definitely no more than two. Most of the stuff cleared out in the first session. You don't need to do them often, probably once a year. I don't think they're necessary though, unless you suffer from constipation like me.