M. Lowe said...
I'm wondering how to reverse the effects it's since done, memory loss, word loss, cognitive impairment, general slowness, brain fog. Is there a detoxing method? I have some extra funds available now so I can invest in whatever is recommended.it seems as far as treatment goes the biggest issue for me still to this day is in my brain and nervous system. The bug won't let up in that area
It may take awhile to reverse the effects now that you've stopped taking it.
Brain detox - you could try Nutramedix Pinella - Nerve/Brain Cleanse
Jernigan's - Neuro-Anti-tox II - CNS/PNS
Because I had a slightly elevated Ammonia - I was instructed to take L-O-L-A - I've ordered it and it's been on it's way for 2 weeks now!!! Hoping it will help my brain.