Thank you, The Dude Abides.
It's nice to at least not suffer alone, and to be understood is comforting too.
I just re-read the symptoms list (lyme brain not being what it used to be) from CajunGirl's post , that lists Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia sources in it also. I can recognize around 2 or 3 from each group that I have felt acutely.
It's uncanny, yet so familiar how many of us have these same symptoms.
I had been up most of yesterday, trying to get work done, had taken a lot of supplements that help me think and gave me a bit of energy (energy drinks, I know not the best idea, and racetams). That thread last night was the last thing I wrote with that little burst of clarity and energy, trying to put things in perspective, it's good to know someone can relate.
Yes I can confirm that this is not something people would make up as a hoax, like I or we just make up this specific type of misery, with all the same symptoms, for fun.
Anyway I had been feeling more alone in this fight lately, so thanks again for your reply as it has made me feel less alone today.