Posted 4/2/2019 5:02 PM (GMT -5)
Air hunger is a symptom of Babesia. I have also have the chills off and on. Night sweats , head pressure can be Babeisa.
However many symptoms can and do overlap between all the infections.
Do you recall if you had an increase in chills, heating up, and air hunger when you used Artemesia? Herxing?
Not everyone is healed easily from Babesia and many llmd's treat Babesia for a long time to be sure.
I have taken malarone for 4 months,, the full Buhner babeisa herbal protocol for 1 1/2 years and then pulsed Artemisinin for a month or so and still have had Babeia symptoms.
So I would be sure to consult with your llmd or practitioner about more treatment if you are still having Babesia type symptoms.
There is a great FB Babesia site and the members there are knowledgeable and supportive.
I hope you get some relief soon take care.