Posted 4/10/2019 2:15 PM (GMT -5)
I hope someone can help me figure this out.
A couple of months ago, I was reclined and reading a large book, the corner of which was resting on my abdomen right above my navel for about five minutes. Suddenly I had a sharp, radiating pain (felt like nerve pain) where the book was pressing. I am quite deconditioned, so I assumed the book corner had jammed a nerve through my feeble abdominal midline and it would heal over time. Unfortunately the pain continues, waxing and waning but never quite going away. Sitting hunched over makes it worse over time, but digestion and movement (like doing an ab crunch or walking) don't affect it. Does this sound like a pinched or entrapped nerve? What else goes on an inch above the belly button? Nothing feels swollen, and the area isn't tender aside from the little sore spot, about the size of a dime.
Soon after this started, I developed some nerve sensations that progress to pain in my upper right abdomen, along the bottom of my ribcage. They also are more painful when I have been hunched over, but are not affected by digestion or movement. The sensations there feel almost like movement, like "kicking" felt when I was pregnant. Started out like a little brush or tickle feeling. Sometimes felt on the right side and in the middle but usually most on the left. I also have POTS and peripheral neuropathy in my hands, both of which have been flaring more than usual lately.
I've been assuming these are all part of the same package - nervous system dysfunction. Can folks please weigh in? Could this be digestive, when eating, digesting, and eliminating all feel normal? Has this happened to anyone who has begun gradual re-conditioning exercise after a long period of bed rest? Any other ideas for me? I plan to ask my PCP to schedule an ultrasound for me, but I am very tired of long expensive medical appointments that tell me everything is "fine."