LilyPanda said...
I feel like all my posts these days are "what was your experience with ___" or "does anyone else experience ___," so I apologize that this is another one .... But it sounds like my LLMD practice is going to start me on rifampin soon, and I was hoping to get a sense of what to expect. Were the side effects bearable? How did it compare to your experience with other antibiotics? (I've tolerated other antibiotics well, but I understand Rifampin can be different.)
I've read that some people have a terrible time on it (and that it can cause adrenal fatigue issues, etc.), and so I'm a little nervous. But others, such as Girlie, have mentioned that it wasn't bad for them.
My LLMD practice doesn't like to go straight to Rifampin because they like to try protocols with a lower/safer side effect profile first. They've been pretty open about the possible side effects or problems that Rifampin can sometimes cause, and so I'm kind of nervous about starting it. But the other protocols haven't seemed to do much for me, and so I guess it's time to to move to the bigger guns.
I didn't find Rifampin too hard on me. It didn't raise my liver function tests....and my kidneys were good on it.
I didn't get fatigue either.
One antibiotic you could try is Bactrim - it has pretty good effect on bart... I tried it, but got some strange lesions within a few days...and it freaked me out ( Bactrim can cause SJS and once you see those pictures on the ' can't unsee them). So, I stopped taking it.
Now, Rifabutin...even though the same class as Rifampin - it's stronger. I have had my first 'classic' herxes on Rifabutin...this was after 4 years of treatment.
I had a fever, rapid heart rate, and felt terrible... it took a full week to totally resolve the first time.
Then each time after, the herx happened....but it got less severe and shorter in duration.