Penny567 said...
astroman said...
Sleep is hard from this if it creates pain from laying there too long. .
If you lay in bed for 6-9 hrs but wake so stiff you cant move, this is pointless.
If you have the option of less time in bed...but two or three times (long naps in addition to night sleep of like 5-6 hrs) works better in healing.
Dont forget cold packs after working the muscles.
"Yes it is the worst in the morning and then is a bit better by evening. I will look up those things you mentioned. Can i ask if you made any dietary changes that helped? I keep playing around with lower carbs, less processed carbs and more healthy fat/protein. I haven’t been doing it long enough to really tell, but I figured the lower the systemic inflammation the better"
I've tried/had more than a few different diets on this journey. I did low carb / low sugar when gut candida was rampant (per symptoms and test). It helped my gut but not body pain. Did paleo for two years, only helped my gut.. Tried low/ minimal oxolate diet- nothing. Then I had a lab test my blood with 170 common American foods and additives (Leap MRT test) two years after my lyme treatment. This helped my autoimmune thyroid as far as body pain- I was already improving so hard to tell if this helped, others claim it does. I actually learned about
this test from a PT.
Chiros know a lot about
SI joints and can feel if they are out of place - and adjust it into place. Regular conventional medicine will argue that SI's cant get out of position- they are wrong, all it takes is a little to create the tension and then pain. A chiro will prob do an X-ray first for a baseline, A Dr will ask for a MRI.
Many people with back pain also have slight herniated disc(s), many people not in pain have this too. Not the end of the world as they can heal in time and not necessarily mean you will be in pain.