Posted 7/13/2019 7:32 PM (GMT -5)
yeah as I was saying in the other posts-- some how in the SEVEN YEARS I have been spending every dollar and every minute trying to get out form under these illnesses, I failed to test for co infections so I still dont even know what I have~ it is nuts. Like I just realized this week how chaotic it all has been. Now I have a new dr and I think over time she and I can at least figure out what i have- whether we can succefully treat I dont know. I think I have parasites bart baesia myco and lyme. Anyway- yeah I still have no idea andd it is CONSTANT> for years- sometimes worse than others ( like now) and worse connected to how severe the bloating gets- and lately a feeling like wax in my lungs too-- feel like tho I went to hansa 5 orhwatever times, did lall these herbs, did magnets- thngs are us worse. so I ordered two new herbal things which look good while I await my next dr appointment and all my test results-- for bart and for babs. I started on the mimosa pudica which I think eventually will be good but I Am so gripped up and cant breathe I may want to wait on it. Also ordered a liver kidney detox formula. These are what I will do until I can get better answers from my new dr.