Charlie55 said...
Girlie said...
That’s great you’re benefitting from it.
Yep, that's definitely great if you benefited from it. Not everyone does, but I suspect if you do plan on taking it, you should take the highly concentrated form.
I noticed when I took Sweatleaf concentrated stevia with dapsone, I'd get a ton of energy afterwards, twitching, major herxing. Not everyone gets that, maybe we're just lucky we do.
It's just like the herb A-Bab, some people say it feels like being on speed, makes their heart race, huge anxiety, nights sweats. While other patients nothing happens. said...
I've been rx'd artemesinin, a-bab, and doxy. I initially increased the a-bab dose too quickly, increasing 1 drop per day bid to I got to 5 drops bid. I started feeling wired, agitated, and increased gastritis pain. So I took 5 days off and started back on it yesterday. I took 2 drops mid afternoon and within an hour that wired feeling came back. Reminds me a bit of when I took speed in college back in the 70's. It was tolerable til I went to bed and I struggled to fall/stay asleep.
It might just tend to be what strains of borrelia you have, the different coinfections etc... It might be the case that antibiotics and herbs absorb better in some people's body while others not so much, everybody's body chemistry is different. But I know some on here that say it flat out doesn't work because it doesn't absorb in the gut really well... You can always try putting the drops underneath your tongue for better absorption.
I'd say if Dr. H, the leading LLMD in the world is using Stevia in his treatment protocols, along with another top LLMD Dr. J using xlylitol and lactoferrin as biofilm busters as well, and they're claiming to have success with it, I'd say keep using it. What happens is some people become tribalistic within the lyme community just like politics, basically follow what they're favorite Naturopath/Herbalist/LLMD says and think it's written in stone. I think all of these Naturopath/Herbalist/LLMDs have contributed something...
Just my opinion...depends on if their bacteria is hiding and where its at in their body i guess
what suprises me is that people will dismiss stevia because it's not really tested in the human body - im not buying that it does not work - while its obviously helping me as old herx symptoms are appearing along with personality return - a man by the name of eric scheuneman claimed to have been cured by multiple stevia extract types