Posted 7/25/2019 8:22 AM (GMT -5)
What to do? I have mold, so I know I must take CSM, again I started the regular one every other day taking it with prune juice as I read in this forum, had bowel movement, but my Gerd got worse. So I tried the compound one, just 1/4th of regular dose each day, with 1 day to rest. been taking cholestyramine every other day as long as Inhave bowel movement. I hev on Buhner’s herbs, since June 1st, now on 25 drops twice daily of each of Hottuy, cordyceps and combo (schizandra, Eleuthera & rhodiola), this are for mycoplasma; but this week I have been feeling awful, very foggy and extreme fatigue, no stamina, wake up feeling drained. Last 2 days no CSM because I didn’t have a bowel movement; today I had some after magnesium citrate 5oz.
My question is: should I stop the herbs?, I have notice “better” sleep; should I go back to the regular CSM that has sugar, but I did not feel so bad on it?
Thanks for any comments.