Posted 8/10/2019 11:19 AM (GMT -5)
Talk to me about bladder issues and how they relate to Lyme, co-infections, mold, etc. for you.
If you have bladder pain issues and/or interstitial cystitis, what has been helpful for you - physical therapy, herbs, what else? What makes it flare - stress, sugar, acidic foods, herxing, mold exposure, flares of other Lyme symptoms?
For the past couple of months, off and on, I have had spasms of intense lower abdominal pain, urethra pain and soreness, and lower back and mid-back soreness. I am prone to ovarian cysts, so initially I thought maybe it was those; I guess it could be ovarian cysts, but the pain from those usually stays off to one side and does not affect me right in the middle above my pubic bone, like the pain I'm concerned about at present. I also thought that perhaps it was kidney stones, since I take a lot of mineral-rich salt to treat POTS. I've never had kidney stones or a UTI, but urine test strips show no blood, nitrite, or leukocytes. I do not have unusual urine color or frequency or urgency; I pee about as often as anyone else who drinks three liters of water per day! I've had an unusual urine odor lately, but only when I drink lemon water. I'm not doing anything unusual in terms of supplements or treatment, but I have been unusually active and stressed.*
Any ideas for me?
*I'm in the process of moving, and the mold cleaning aspects are incredibly time-consuming and exhausting! I miss this forum and promise that I will be back faithfully once I am settled into the new place!