thanks girlie. I took rifampin 6 yrs ago for many months when I first got the tick bite- but I imagine I may have unknowlingly gotten other bites since then. I cant figure out what this squeezing is.
It is horrific.
I dont have other typical bartonelal symptoms- pain, foot issues, rashes- all I have is this squeezing around my breathing areas- constantly- and inflammation in my abdomen and chest- gripped up and inflamed.
ugh so horrific. Right now I am only treating babesia with crypto but trying yet another new dr- this one has a good reputation at least for actually helping people- might I be so lucky as to actually get rid of this 6 years of hell?? so I am gonna wait to start myself on bart herbs and see what this new person says--- I see them in about
a week. but so far the crypto has not changed it at all. Always thought is was babesia but who knows, there are also yet undiscovered tick pathogens-- I probably have one of those ugh someone has to help me I cannot go on like this!~