Hi folks,
This is a continuation of an earlier thread, which, sorry, I can't find ATM. OP reported that earthing and a couple of other things had helped him. I've been trying the earthing, and have some results to report.
I have found some definite effects from earthing. For me at this stage, it involves walking barefoot on the lawn (I've been walking my friend's cat). How do I know earthing has an effect?
- Herxing. Especially in the beginning I was getting herx that I could associate with the earthing. The more intense the earthing (duration, wet lawn...), the stronger the herx. The first time it hit me was very heavy, but since then they've been very manageable. Herx is the reason why earthinginstitute.net tells you to start SLOWLY if you have Lyme. If you're herxing, you're doing something; but keep it under control!
- Sleep. I have been sleeping much more soundly since earthing. I fall asleep easier, I sleep deeper, I have fewer interruptions, I sleep longer, I wake up more refreshed. This is a big plus.
- Less medication. The website mentioned tells you to expect your medications to be more efficient. IOW, with your doctor's consent, you may have to reduce your dosing. I certainly have found this to be true. In fact, when I was herxing I had to skip my herbs completely a few times (I dose 6x/day), with the exception of L-Arginine. And when I started back up I reduced the dosages.
- Organ pain. This is not new to me, unfortunately. The Babesia has wreaked havoc on my cleansing organs - liver, kidneys and spleen - so I have to keep them happy with whatever regimen I'm using. Since commencing earthing the situation has, if anything, gotten a bit worse. I think this is due to the earthing being effective, causing die-off of the bad guys. I now have stopped the antimicrobial herbs and am only going to use the adaptogens and organ support supplements.
- The Subjective. It feels good to walk barefoot in the grass. I was a bit squeamish at first, but am getting over it. It's like being a carefree kid again. Buhner makes the point repeatedly in his Lyme book that feeling positive is a major component of healing, and is not to be disdained. It sets the stage for positive physical changes to occur.
As they say, earthing is not a panacea. We have had testimonies here from people who earthed their whole lives, before earthing was a "thing", but who still got sick. But who knows the reason why they got sick? Earthing is just one component of many that affect our health, and doesn't make one bulletproof. But I think it is a valid component, indeed.
I got Clint Ober's Earthing book from the library and am finding it very interesting.
Here's his introductory documentary, 15 minutes.
I'm going to rig or invest in gear to earth while at the computer and in bed. Again, all this must be eased into slowly by the Lyme sufferer, especially at the beginning. I've also ordered large copper rivets which I will use to convert my footwear to earthing. I don't want to show up barefoot if I get invited to the White House...
It's too early to come to any conclusions beyond that. But this is something with promise that I'm going to pursue.