WalkingbyFaith said...
I just looked further on the second site Holistic Health International and found much more specific information on the test requirements. Also says a scale is provided to weigh the sample and very specific requirements for the hair collection.
Here’s the page: https://www.holisticheal.com/customer-service/faq/hair-elements-test
Also discovered this is Amy Yasko’s resource. Lots of tests listed here and she will comment on the results for you. Sounds good. The hair elements test can be purchased with or without her comments.
Please go on the FB site and ask the same question about
hair. This is the test that ACC uses but in a very diffent way. And I would ask to please please do not get pulled into a non ACC heavy metal detox program. At least go on the site and ask questions first. There are many people there who have been harmed by improper Chelation programs. Let them tell you. I can’t coach you from here. There is so much bad advice being given,, by well minded people, but this is a
open forum , anything goes. I can’t compete with every person that gives you bad advice.
Andy Cutler found a process that works. However you can’t get distracted and mix protocols up. FYI, getting distracted and not sticking to a plan is a classic Mercury symptom.
I will say this to anyone that considers ACC. You have to go into it with the mindset that you know nothing. Or at a minimum to unlearn a lot. Learn the protocol, don’t deviate. If you do it won’t work. And yes can he harmdul. Lapis admitted on a previous post he did not follow the protocol per the guidelines.
My GRF went from 49 after I was vaxxed and is now 70. So my kindeys are doing great. But yes it’s very important that you don’t try to play Armchair Scientist and think you know better.
Sorry if I’m coming across as being blunt and it may seem like know big deal to add Amy’s comments and start to research this site. Issue is there are a lot of things that people will try to sell you that are acually very bad for you if you have mercury toxicity. I’ll be the first to say it like walking a land mine field. Not while in the ACC protocol, although that is tricky, but there is a lot of Admin support and user support.