Posted 10/10/2019 12:12 AM (GMT -5)
Hey all,
Thought I'd share more good news. I did some blood work this month and just about everything came out nearly perfect. Blood sugar, thyroid, estrogen, all the tests. I forget and I don't have it handy, but I had her run the whole lot, had her check out my liver and kidney functions as well. The only issues I have are high cholesterol (from diet - more below) and higher than usual testosterone.
Some of you know, I've been on the carnivore diet (meat and fat) for nine months now. I had stem cells in Jan. 2018 and I started taking an NAD supplement in May 2019. Honestly, I feel awesome. My periods are not great, but everything else is amazing. Most people report higher than normal cholesterol numbers on the carnivore diet, but feel great. My doc isn't worried. She's also not worried about the testosterone. What's kind of funny is that my husband has low T and I have high T. So...who wears the pants in this family? LOL. He didn't laugh when I made that joke. Anyway, this is literally THE BEST blood test I've ever had. Ever. Even my Vitamin D levels were good - which is amazing, because they never were before.
Guys, I really feel like Lyme is in the past tense. I felt it was too early to call last time I posted, but now I really feel like it's over. You'll get there too. If you have any questions about the NAD or the carnivore diet, I'm happy to help. I do still want to take an official lyme test someday, but I actually feel better than I did before Lyme. Not perfect - who is? - but better than I've felt in years. I still have some healing to do, I think.