unsightlycygnet said...
jb1994 said...
Jova you need to stop with the brain damage schtick. It's incredibly off putting. Some people need them at different periods of their lives and neuroplasticity is a thing. They require weaning off of and everyone has a different pace at which they can return to baseline but it can happen. To write people off as brain damaged because they take antidepressants is just disgusting and you need to cut it out.
I've been on them before when I needed them. I got off them. It wasn't easy but that was because I went cold turkey. Don't stay on them for years though. It will be difficult to get off them at that point. That was my mistake. Of course I was prescribed them before I had a choice as to whether to take them (was a minor). But don't be bullied with scare tactics. If you need them, there's no harm in trying. They do have side effects though.
No, I'm afraid to say that he's right about
the brain damage, that's another thing I missed out myself. Look here:
https://mindfreedom.org/kb/neuroleptic-brain-damage/Not to mention the fact that a sizable percentage of school shooters, workplace shooters etc. go postal BECAUSE of these medications that are prescribed for the depression.
https://libertarianinstitute.org/articles/prescription-for-violence-the-corresponding-rise-of-antidepressants-ssris-mass-shootings/They're poison. In my opinion and they may work for some but for the few that it works for, I have seen so many testify that these drugs are harmful more so than good. If anything these drugs damage you because the depression is a natural response to the environment and those within it causing you grief that you cannot resolve reasonably i.e being unable to get the proper treatment for lyme disease...===================
I haven’t read all the posts in this thread but wanted to mention your reference to neuroleptics.
Antipsychotics are in a different class of psych drugs.
Definitely more harmful...in general than antidepressants...