Dahlias said...
I tend to think bartonella too. Though a co-worker has numbness and tingling in her legs and it appears to be mold-related for her.
I herxed with burning and itching skin when I started bartonella treatment. And one random day last week it felt like I was wearing clothes made of fiberglas.
Sorry if I missed this, but what are you treating these days?
I hope this goes away soon for you! It will be in the rear-view mirror someday.
Thx, Dahlias!! What am I treating? The whole zoo, LOL!!! I have been on my own conglomeration of herbs mixing up Buhner’s protocols for all the infections for over 2 years now. I initially thought bartonella and mold were my main issues. Over the past year, I have gotten more into treating parasites and wonder if maybe I do have babesia.
Basically treating Lyme, bartonella, possible babesia, mold, ropeworm, yeast/mold in gut.