WalkingbyFaith said...
I looked at their website but couldn’t find anything about how to actually order the test. Does a doctor have to order it?
I got mine through a local dietician I learned about
who stocked the test kits. I had multiple follow up visits too, but luckily my heath insc pays 100% for diet counseling/help (I had to pay the test itself though $300-$350 and the blood draw; $35).
You get this "eating plan" to if I remember, but my dietician verbally summed it up and skipped some steps. What it comes down to is pretty easy: you never eat the "red" (highly inflammatory) foods again and you slowly re-introduce the "yellow" (cautionary) foods after the "reds" have been out of your system for a while (a couple months).
Most of these non-direct health tests labs will go thru any health related clinician, Dr, or even chiropractor ect. If you have someone in mind, Id just show them the web site.
I just took a Quest Labs blood Cytokin Panel (about
15) and too my surprise all were in normal limits. I had a few individual ones in the past that were elevated.