Posted 11/5/2019 10:41 AM (GMT -5)
Welcome to the forum! I'm glad you reached out. Familiarize yourself with the thred titled, "New to Lyme? Start Here" for answers to a lot of your questions, and try using the search bar as well for specific issues. And of course post as well! We're here for you.
Unfortunately I have no idea about resources in China and Japan, but I hope that someone here will. There are some doctors who do phone consultations, if you decide that you are interested in that. A lot of people self-treat with antibiotics, herbs, homeopathy, rife, and many other modalities, so while a knowledgeable Lyme specialist ("Lyme-literate medical doctor," or LLMD) can be very valuable, you are not totally without recourse if you cannot find one near you. Some people find these websites useful as well:
Are you interested in testing?
From your symptoms, you might want to look into POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), mold toxicity, gut issues, and MCAS (mast cell activation disorder) as well as Lyme. (Gut issues meaning candida, SIBO, dysbiosis, parasites, leaky gut, food allergies and sensitivities, etc.). All of those conditions can occur together, but sometimes it helps to address them separately in order to get your body back to a balanced place where you can handle Lyme treatment, exercise, etc.
Good luck!