CalmLittleBuddha said...
Hello, so sorry that you are feeling this way. I have been dealing with derealization for many years now, the best way that I can describe It is that everyone around me feels fake, it is a very isolating feeling because no one truely understands how bad I feel, it's awful to deal with. I have never experienced the feeling of no emotions like you mentioned, its weird because I have the opposite where my emotions feel really intense, it's like instead of feeling empty I feel too full. I do also believe that this feeling is in part caused by a build up of toxins in the body. I have the MTHFR mutation which means that my body can not detox properly, were you ever tested for that before Some of the things that help me get by are going to the sauna, getting good quality sleep, doing yoga, and having a connection with at least one person. I wish that I had more help to give you but try and hang in there I know it's hard, sending you hugs!
Thanks for the kind response. I do have a double MTHFR mutation and I know toxins are a huge issue. I detox regularly but have to be careful as too much electrolyte loss causes long term effects.
It's been many years now, all my friends are gone. They have gotten promotions, started families or moved on with their lives. I've been living in my truck for about
5 years because I can't work but no one knows that- I don't talk to anyone. I did have one friend left up until about
2 years ago but she got engaged and I never heard from her again. I understand it, they have lives to live.
I understand that inflammation in the amygdala causes apathy and anhadonia and that stuff started after the encephalitis so I guess it makes sense. I do whatever I can to be productive in little ways but it's minimal. Forging ahead and trying to figure this out is my main focus