Sorry not sure how the reply feature works on here....
My baby is happy and healthy, eats like a champ. Has a dairy allergy and tummy trouble at times but other than that, no issues.
I’ve only met with my current Lyme doc once, and initially based on display of symptoms, he believed it to be a new infection but then the results came back as a longer term infection which is when all my worry began.
I just want to know what to do and how to stop it from invading my baby’s body. I’m heartbroken over the possibility.
Girlie said...
Hi fighting mama - welcome to our forum.
I'm so sorry you have this to deal with.
Does your baby have any signs? Is he feeding well? Is he thriving?
If your lyme was dormant - ie you had no symptoms....I'm wondering if that highly lowers the chance of passing it on to your baby in vitro.
What does your current lyme doc say?
I guess the first step would be to get your baby tested. Although, testing isn't always can be one piece of the puzzle.